Below are upcoming events we’re hosting at our facility in Mt Pleasant, SC, or our team is participating in around the greater Charleston area. We look forward to seeing you! Please contact us with any questions.
Women’s nutrition seminar on Saturday, July 23 @ 11 am
Hosted by Haley Gierszal
LADIES, join us for this FREE community event. Haley will teach us how to ditch restrictive dieting and share how you can fuel your body for optimal performance without severely restricting calories. Stay until the end for a door prize raffle! Bring a friend and we’ll see you on the 23rd!

Healing the female brain seminar on Saturday, August 6 @ 11 am
Hosted by Sylvia Darby
LADIES, join us for this FREE community event. Sylvia will teach us how to heal our brains by caring for the amygdala, focusing on life’s anchors, embracing anonymous seasons, and more. If you’re lucky, you’ll come away with some swag from the wild side! Bring a friend and we’ll see you on the 6th!